A Real Estate Private Equity Firm

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Lakeland opens doors to unique opportunities. We identify hard-to-reach investments that offer strong returns while providing comfort by diligently vetting each opportunity and executing efficiently

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Lakeland's Exclusive Investment Landscape

Access to Excellence

Our foundation is built upon a comprehensive mosaic of experience, showcasing our proficiency in real estate, underwriting, and legal structuring across an expansive range of transactions. Our involvement spans the full spectrum of the real estate sector, including retail, industrial, multi-family, land development, historical renovations, and office buildings.

We are exceptionally positioned to provide our investors with unparalleled access to an inaccessible real estate market sector. We are backed by a commitment to excellence and a proven track record of success in financial and legal disciplines. Our industry relationships and experience position us to become a leading force in the private credit real estate sector, aiming to provide unparalleled value and performance to our investors with our specialized knowledge and expertise.

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Our Focus: Lakeland is a real estate Private equity firm Focused on Parterning with the best sponors and projects.

JV Equity

We provide capital to owners and developers seeking liquidity. We take the position of a Joint Venture, extending our expertise by acting as both investors and strategic allies. This two-fold role enables us to share best practices, financial acumen, and deep market understanding to collaboratively nurture opportunities in successful ventures. Together, we turn vision into value.

Preferred Equity

We provide equity investment into opportunities at all stages, including ground-up developments, value-add acquisitions, and financial restructuring or shortfall coverage. Deals are structured to establish a preferred equity position within the ownership hierarchy, tailored to the requirements of each project and developer.


We actively engage with debt, both by acquiring it and offering it as an investment strategy. Depending on the specifics of the deal, we'll determine the optimal position to take, ensuring a secure return for our investors. This approach not only enhances our flexibility in sourcing and finalizing deals but also adds valuable tools to our tool belt, allowing us to seize a variety of opportunities.

Invest With Us



Through years of nurturing established relationships in the industry, we source exclusive investment opportunities. Our deep connections grant our limited partners access to premier deals, ensuring they benefit from the inside track to high-value ventures.



At Lakeland, we adopt an institutional-level approach to underwriting, meticulously examining every detail to ensure no stone is left unturned. Our rigorous process guarantees thorough evaluation and precision in every assessment.



We leverage our extensive experience in structuring deals to safeguard the interests of our limited partners. Our strategic approach focuses on creating secure and advantageous agreements, ensuring our positions are well-protected throughout the investment lifecycle.



Our commitment to success extends beyond the initial deal; we conduct thorough, ongoing evaluations of our investments. This vigilant monitoring ensures performance aligns with our high standards and objectives, maintaining the integrity and growth potential of each investment.


Lakeland Equity Group is a seasoned player in the world of real estate investment, dedicated to opening doors to exclusive opportunities that were once out of reach. With a legacy spanning generations across diverse industries, we've honed our expertise in real estate investments.

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